Ready for a smile makeover, but nervous about what the results will look like? Digital Smile Design projects the aesthetic outcome of your procedure, so you know exactly what to expect. It’s about time you got the smile you’ve always dreamed of.
Dental Smile Design (DSD) is the most modern, patient centered approach to designing a custom smile. Determining the correct position, shape, and color of your teeth starts with an analysis of your facial features via state-of-the art digital technology. Once the blueprint of your smile is designed in specialized software, a 3D mock up can be placed within minutes so you can test drive your smile. This simulation allows Dr. Su to more thoroughly discuss the outcome of treatment, while you can visualize the life-changing effects of your new smile before treatment even begins.
Digital Smile Design technology has benefits for both patient and clinician, as it makes the treatment suggestions extremely easy to envision. Many of us are anxious about changing the appearance of our smile, even if for the better, as it can change our appearance.
Digital Smile Design allows you to experience a test drive of a new smile. No wax mold or photography can match that, and it’s one of the best uses of the latest 3D printing technology.